Is Developer Relations…Marketing?

Is Developer Relations…Marketing?

July 2, 2024 (3mo ago)

This Article was originally published on

You’ve probably heard about Developer Relations (or DevRel) and might be wondering, “Isn’t that just a fancy term for marketing?”

Well, the answer is “It Depends;”

Yes, that cliche line.

The terms DevRel and Developer Marketing are sometimes used interchangeably, but they serve distinct yet complementary roles.

Think of them as two sides of the same coin, working together to support and grow the developer community, which is the ultimate goal.

What’s DevRel Anyway?

First of all, Developer Relations, commonly known as DevRel, is all about building a bridge between developers and a company. They write docs, create tutorials, speak at conferences, and hang out on social media to help developers succeed with their tools.

In my experience, DevRel professionals wear many hats. One day, they might be coding a new sample app, the next day, they’re writing a blog post, and then they’re off to a conference to give a talk.

Their main goal?

To make sure developers have everything they need to be successful with the company’s products. They’re like the ultimate support system for developers.

And What About Marketing?

Now, let’s talk about marketing.

Developer Marketing focuses on promoting products and services to developers. They’re out there promoting products, doing market research, and trying to get people to buy stuff. They create ads, run campaigns, and do all sorts of things to boost sales and brand awareness.

Marketing teams are focused on understanding the market, identifying potential customers, and crafting messages that resonate with them.

They use data and analytics to drive their strategies and measure success. Their ultimate goal is to drive revenue and grow the business.

Where They Overlap

While DevRel and Developer Marketing have different primary objectives, they complement each other.

DevRel helps understand developers' needs and this information can lead to better marketing plans. Similarly, good marketing can increase the impact of DevRel activities.

For example, the DevRel team might identify a common pain point among developers and work with the marketing team to create content that addresses this issue.

The DevRel team might create a cool tutorial or a sample code snippet to educate developers about the tool/SDK whereas marketing might craft a catchy blog post or a slick video ad.

Both are engaging with communities, but DevRel is chatting with developers, while marketing might be talking to a broader audience.

The Difference

The key difference between DevRel and Developer Marketing is their primary objectives and ways to measure their metrics. DevRel is focused on building long-term relationships and supporting the developer community.

Marketing, though, is focused on driving sales and boosting revenue. They’re looking at the bigger picture and trying to reach as many potential customers as possible.

For example, a DevRel person might spend hours helping a developer troubleshoot an issue, even if it doesn’t lead to an immediate sale.


Because they’re invested in that developer’s long-term success. On the other hand, a marketer might be more focused on metrics like conversion rates and ROI.

The way we measure how well a Marketing team is doing is totally different from how we measure a DevRel team's performance. This is because they work differently and have different goals.

If you're curious and want to dive deeper into this, check out this article:

Working Together

Despite their differences, DevRel and marketing can be best buds. They can team up for webinars, co-author blog posts, or coordinate social media campaigns. When they work together, they can create some pretty awesome stuff.

For example, a DevRel person might write a technical blog post about a new feature, and the marketing team can help promote it through their channels. Or, they might collaborate on a webinar where the DevRel person does a live coding demo, and the marketing team handles the promotion and logistics.

From what I've seen when the DevRel team and the marketing team work closely together, the company grows more. The more these teams collaborate, the better they can come up with and carry out strategies that meet both the needs of developers and the company's goals.

So, Is DevRel Marketing?

In the end, while DevRel has some marketing vibes, it’s got its own unique flavor. It’s more about community, support, and making sure developers have what they need to rock their projects.

So, next time someone asks if DevRel is just marketing, you can tell them it’s a bit more nuanced than that.

Ready to dive deeper? Let's connect!

If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, reach out to me on 𝕏 @Arindam_1729. Join our vibrant Discord Community to learn more about DevRel and collaborate with like-minded professionals.

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