My Work

I've worked for multiple companies as a DevRel Engineer, Developer Advocate, and Technical Writer. Here's a summary of my work so far.

Pieces for Developers

Developer Advocate, 2024-Present

At , I have been instrumental in driving community engagement and product adoption. My contributions include:

  • Developed a CLI tool "" using the Pieces SDK.
  • Created a "" leveraging the Pieces SDK.
  • Authored educational articles detailing the development process and usage of these tools.
  • Improved the to make it more accessible and user-friendly.
  • Maintained and contributed to their open-source project.
  • Hosted numerous sessions and events to engage with the developer community.

Through these efforts, I have significantly enhanced the visibility and usability of Pieces for Developers' tools, fostering a vibrant and engaged community.


DevRel Engineer Intern, 2023-2024

During my tenure at Keploy, I played a key role in various initiatives. My responsibilities included:

  • Authored technical articles to educate and inform the community.
  • Helped in Hosting events such as to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Managed and contributed to their .
  • Delivered demos of Keploy to showcase its capabilities.
  • Expanded and engaged the Slack community, making it a hub for active discussions and support.

My work at Keploy not only helped in expanding the community but also in establishing a strong foundation for future growth and collaboration.

Freelance Technical Writer, 2024-Present

As a freelance writer for, I have focused on creating technical articles centered around authorization. My articles are:

My work with has allowed me to deepen my expertise in authorization and share valuable insights with the developer community. And I'm continuing to write articles on a freelance contract basis.


Chief Creative Officer, 2022-2023

At Showwcase, I was pivotal in enhancing community engagement and content quality. My contributions included:

  • Assisted in hosting a hackathon "", driving innovation and collaboration.
  • Organized multiple events in collaboration with various communities, such as "".
  • Contributed to improving the quality and reach of their content.

These initiatives significantly boosted Showwcase's community presence and content impact, setting a new standard for engagement and quality.

Other Experiences

In addition to my professional roles, I have also been involved in various other activities:

  • Core team member for the Eastern India's largest hackathon community "", where I played a key role in organizing and managing the event.
  • Wrote a sponsored article for Arcjet: "Create a Spotify Playlist Generator with Arcjet Protection"
  • Writing articles for , sharing insights and knowledge on developer relations and community building.
  • Hosting bi-weekly growth meetings with DevRels in the LeadDevRel community.

These experiences have further enriched my skills and provided me with additional platforms to contribute to the developer community.

Overall, my journey across these roles has been marked by a consistent drive to enhance community engagement, foster collaboration, and deliver impactful contributions.